Campus Placements 2024
Twenty-four (24) participants of the ninth batch of the two-year Post-Graduate Programme in Development Management (PDM 2022-24) will be graduating from DMI on April 31, 2024, and entering the professional world as development managers.
DMI warmly invites organisations with development orientation to participate in the Campus Placement process 2024 which will present to them twenty-four (24) motivated and committed Development Management professionals.
The PDM programme is designed as a significant activity of DMI to realise its mission i.e. "To empower and usher in participatory governance and management of institutions, enterprises and resources for enhancing livelihoods and generating sustainable development". DMI strongly believes in the process of Integral Learning, Professionalisation, Transdisciplinary Research and Conscientisation. The institute is constantly focusing on its four core values viz. Excellence, Innovation, Integrity and Participation.
The two-year programme transforms the PDM participants into strong and committed Development Management professionals who can take up any challenging role in their managerial careers.
We believe that you would find a suitable candidate(s) meeting the requirements of your organisation in diverse fields.
Recruiting Partners

Campus Placements 2023
Twenty-six (26) participants of the eighth batch of the two-year Post-Graduate Programme in Development Management (PDM 2021-23) would be graduating from DMI on May 31, 2023 and entering the professional world as development managers. DMI warmly invites Organisations with development orientation to participate in the campus placement process 2023 which will present to them twenty-six (26) motivated and committed Development Management professionals. The PDM programme is designed as a significant activity of DMI to realise its mission i.e. ‘To empower and usher in participatory governance and management of institutions, enterprises and resources for enhancing livelihoods and generating sustainable development’. DMI strongly believes in the process of Integral Learning, Professionalisation, Transdisciplinary Research and Conscientisation and is constantly focusing on its four core values viz. Excellence, Innovation, Integrity and Participation. The two-year programme transforms the PDM participants into strong and committed Development Management professionals who can take up any challenging role in their managerial careers. We believe that you would find a suitable candidate(s) meeting the requirements of your organisation in diverse fields
Recruiting Partners

Current Recruiters - 2021

The campus placements for the fifth batch of two-year flagship program of DMI in Development Management (PGDM) were held during January 13 to 16, 2020. Forty-six participants’ of the Post-Graduate Programme in Development Management (PDM 2018-20) after graduating in April 2020 have entered the professional world of development management. DMI continued to have full placements record since its inception.
The participants of the fifth batch (PDM 2018-20) are placed in CSR Foundations of reputed businesses, government parastatals, and Non-Government organizations in the development space including Bihar Rural Livelihoods Promotion Society (BRLPS) - JEEViKA, Jal Jeevan Hariyali Mission, The Bihar State Milk Co-Operative Federation Ltd. (COMFED), Aga Khan Rural Support Programme (India), CARE India, Madhya Pradesh State Rural Livelihoods Mission (MPSRLM), Ministry of Education’s (GoI) – MGNCRE, Bandhan Konnagar, SEWA Bharat, Technoserve, JM Financial, Ujjivan SFB, Foundation for Rural Entrepreneurship Development (FREND) to name a few.
Campus Placements 2022
Fifty-one (51) participants of the seventh batch of the two-year Post-Graduate Programme in Development Management (PDM 2020-22) would be graduating from DMI on May 31, 2022*, and entering the professional world as development managers. DMI warmly invites Organisations with development orientation to participate in the campus placement process 2022 which will present to them fifty-one (51) motivated and committed Development Management professionals. The PDM programme is designed as a significant activity of DMI to realise its mission i.e. ‘To empower and usher in participatory governance and management of institutions, enterprises and resources for enhancing livelihoods and generating sustainable development’. DMI strongly believes in the process of Integral Learning, Professionalisation, Transdisciplinary Research and Conscientisation and is constantly focusing on its four core values viz. Excellence, Innovation, Integrity and Participation. The two-year programme transforms the PDM participants into strong and committed Development Management professionals who can take up any challenging role in their managerial careers. We believe that you would find a suitable candidate(s) meeting the requirements of your organisation in diverse fields.
Recruiting Partners
Current Recruiters - 2021

The campus placements for the fifth batch of two-year flagship program of DMI in Development Management (PGDM) were held during January 13 to 16, 2020. Forty-six participants’ of the Post-Graduate Programme in Development Management (PDM 2018-20) after graduating in April 2020 have entered the professional world of development management. DMI continued to have full placements record since its inception.
The participants of the fifth batch (PDM 2018-20) are placed in CSR Foundations of reputed businesses, government parastatals, and Non-Government organizations in the development space including Bihar Rural Livelihoods Promotion Society (BRLPS) - JEEViKA, Jal Jeevan Hariyali Mission, The Bihar State Milk Co-Operative Federation Ltd. (COMFED), Aga Khan Rural Support Programme (India), CARE India, Madhya Pradesh State Rural Livelihoods Mission (MPSRLM), Ministry of Education’s (GoI) – MGNCRE, Bandhan Konnagar, SEWA Bharat, Technoserve, JM Financial, Ujjivan SFB, Foundation for Rural Entrepreneurship Development (FREND) to name a few.
The campus placements for the fourth batch of two-year flagship program of DMI in Development Management (PGDM) were held during January 14 to 22, 2019. Twenty-two participants of the Post-Graduate Programme in Development Management (PDM 2017-19) after graduating in April 2019 will enter the professional world of development management. DMI continued to have full placements record since its inception.
The current batch of 22 students are placed in various reputed national development agencies including Bihar Rural Livelihood Promotion Society (JEEViKA), Care India, Bihar Gram Swaraj Yojana Society (BGSYS), Aga Khan Rural Support Programme (India) - (AKRSPI), Technoserve, Satin Creditcare Network Ltd., Samasta Microfinance, BAIF Institute For Sustainable Livelihoods and Development, Ujjivan Small Finance Bank Limited.
Top Recruiters of Current Year
The campus placements for third batch of two-year flagship program of DMI in Development Management (PDM) were held during February 1 to March 15, 2018. Twenty four participants of Post-Graduate Programme in Development Management (PDM 2016-18) graduated from DMI on April 18, 2018 and entered the professional world of development managers. As in last year, DMI maintained 100 percent placements record in this year too.
The current batch of 24 students are placed in various reputed national development agencies including Syngenta Foundation, Bihar Rural Livelihood Promotion Society (Jeevika), Aga Khan Rural Support Programme (India) (AKRSPI), Technoserve, Self-Reliant Initiatives through Joint Action (SRIJAN), Saathi Samaj Sevi Sanstha (SAATHI), COMFED Unions, Quest Alliance, Jharkhand State Livelihood Promotion Society (JSLPS), Taru Consultancy, Satin Credit, Samasta Microfinance, Maahi Milk Producer Company Limited (MAAHI Dairy), IPAS Development Foundation.

Top Recruiters
Organisations | Positions Offered |
Bihar Rural Livelihood Promotion Society (Jeevika) | 05 |
Syngenta Foundation | 04 |
Aga Khan Rural Support Programme (India) (AKRSPI) | 03 |
Maahi Milk Producer Company Limited (MAAHI Dairy) | 03 |
Self Reliant Initiatives through Joint Action (SRIJAN) | 02 |
TechnoServe | 02 |
Saathi Samaj Sevi Sanstha (SAATHI) | 02 |
COMFED Unions | 02 |
Jharkhand State Livelihood Promotion Society (JSLPS) | 02 |
Quest Alliance | 01 |
Taru Leading Edge | 01 |
Satin Credit | 01 |
Samasta Microfinance | 01 |
IPAS Development Foundation | 01 |

Top Recruiters
Organisations | Positions Offered |
Delhi Commission for Women (DCW) | 01 |
Technoserv Limited | 01 |
Aga Khan Rural Support Programme (AKRSP) | 08 |
Bihar Milk Federation (COMFED) | 02 |
IFMR Rural Channels And Services | 01 |
Friends of Women's World Banking (FWWB) | 03 |
Tata Trust | 02 |
Bihar Rural Livelihoods Promotion Society (JEEViKA) |
04 |
Samunnati Financial Intermediation & Services Pvt. Ltd. |
01 |
Foundation for Ecological Security (FES) | 02 |
Center for Environment Education (CEE) | 02 |
BAGRI | 02 |